Marriage is the process by which two people who love each other make their relationship public, official, and permanent. It is the joining of two people in a bond that putatively lasts until death, but in practice is increasingly cut short by divorce. Of coures, over the course of a relationship that can last as many as seven or eight decades, a lot happens. Personalities change, bodies age, and romantic love waxes and wanes. And no marriage is free of conflict.
Ada seseorang pernah berkata.. (actually her kazen cakap..^_^) "kawen la, seronok tu.. bahagia rasanya bila bgun pagi, lelaki yg di cintai d sebelah" ehh.?? mmg semua pompuan pun akan fikir mcm tu.. saya pun kadang2 gatei juga... !
Gmbar adalah hiasan semata mata ^_^
Tapi bagaimana lau future husband tu org susah.? Jawapan wanita : "sya snggup terima dia seadanya"
Saya sokong juga kata2 mcm tue. Tpi bagaimana future husband.? ( kalau future husband org susah la, lau hidup senang, sya belum fikir lagi) hehehehehehe
Future wife penat dari kerja, balik rumah kena kemas rumah, masak, cuci kain, everyday rutin yg sama..
Kategori 1 : Future husband "Yang meh sini abg urut, terima kasih penat2 jaga abg. Abg urut bahu k.?"
Kategori 2 : Future husband "Eh.. awk ni... merenggek jer! Dah mmg tanggungjawap isteri buat tu semua. Dah! P buatkan ang air!"
Lau dapat kategori 1 mmg senyum kambing la. Bahagia! Mmg snggup terima dia seadanya... Tapi lau dapt ketegori 2.? Wahai lelaki..Sila hormat wanita ok! Dah jadi isteri bukan bermaksud kena jd org gaji.. Kena jaga hati wanita juga.. Tujuan kawen bukn buat kerja jer~
Note: Tapi no marriage is free of conflict. What enables a couple to endure is how they handle that conflict. So how do you manage the problems that inevitably arise? And how can you keep the spark alive?
P/s: saya belum berkahwin tapi dah nak sibuk2 ..Opss.. hehehehehehe
(minta maaf kpd tersinggung!)